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Monochrome Fine Art

by Kevin Ford

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Welcome to 58 Ford Photography

Hello! My name is Kevin, and I am a fine art photographer. In my work, I strive to find beauty in simplicity. Whether it's the intricate patterns of nature, the complexities of urban life, or the raw emotions of human expressions, I aim to tell stories that resonate on a deeper level. I hope my work speaks to you.

My passion is finding the extraordinary in everyday life and allowing my images to fill the empty spaces that words can't fill. 

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Kevin Ford is a fine art photographer specializing in monochrome images. Located in Newmarket Ontario his work focuses on the rich heritage and breathtaking beauty of the towns and landscapes of central and northern Ontario. 
I've always been fascinated with the photo's ability to capture a moment in time, a slice of existence for a little less than half a second. I think that is why we are drawn to a photo, to step back from the frenetic pace of life and experience what is often missed. To me, photography expands into the empty spaces that words can't fill. You can try and describe a sunset, or you can share the experience. ~Kevin

Contact MeIf you have any questions or just want to say hi!

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